
Global Cultural Diplomacy Committee(GCGC) was found in February of 2005, used to be known as “American Musician and Artist Council”.It was authorized by California State Government to be a global non-profit organization, and renamed as “Global Cultural Diplomacy Committee”. The aim is to preserve, develop and promote traditional art and music of all countries. To provide art education with quality and professional support to those who are related to the field of musical art, and promote the development of global music education and mutual cultural exchange.
Main Objective

We are an international non-profit organization that promotes mutual understanding between countries around the world, their cultures, music, education, their languages and cultural lives. Our vision and mission are based on the following core values:


As an international non-profit organization, we respect the 2009 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The activities of the Committee and applications to join the Committee are open to all, without any restrictions based on political or religious opinions, gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background or citizenship. Therefore, we have no connection with ideological movements, religions or political parties.

Core Value

To build and maintain an international music educator community, GCDC proposes that Music Education is one of the most important parts in global culture diversity full of rhythm. Effective music education depends on qualified music teachers and professors. Formal and informal music education should fullfil individual requirements of all learners, including those special learners with special needs and abilities.

Related to international and cross-culutral understanding and cooperation, GCDC proposes that the richness and diversity of world music offer opportunities to cross-culural learning, cross-national understanding, cooperation and peace. During music education of all countries, it should be emphasized to show repect to existance and development of different types of music an ethnic music.

-The Formation of Society

GCDC was found in 2005 at a conference held by UNESCO. The main purpose is to promote diversified learning and innovation of music educator. In the past few years, it has been always our important motivation and what we care about.


Within a few years after founding, the scale of GCDC grew to an remarkable extent. It is an international organization open to music educators, to celebrate many ways of exchange between people and music. Since 2005, GCDC represented as international, corss-subjects, cross-cultural and professional network, devoted to understanding and promoting music learning in whole lifecycle. Members from 80 different countries all contribute to preserve culture, education and sustainble development of cultural heritage and based on policy and practice.


In 2019, GCDC was highly recognized by California State Government of US. Organization principle and constitution were newly drafted then.