Karuizawa International Choral Festival 2021


With great regret, the executive committee of Karuizawa International Choral Festival has announced the cancellation of this year’s festival, planned to be held from 24th to 26th July 2020 at Karuizawa Ohga Hall, due to COVID-19 pandemic. We had carefully considered the situation by Japanese government’s information, recommendation and WHO’s announcement. We concluded that it was no longer possible to be held for the safety of audience and participants and the difficult situation of rehearsals for choirs.

This cancellation is a huge disappointment for us, and we feel sorry for our partners, participants and audience who all love our festival and music.

Participation fee will be refunded for all choirs who already paid. The detail is being informed directly from us.

Next festival is planned to be held from 20th to 22nd August 2021. We hope that we could meet you to enjoy chorus at Karuizawa in 2021. Your understanding on our difficult decision and your continuous support would be highly appreciated.

Choral Competition
Program of stay
24th July 2020 (Fri.) – 26th July 2020 (Sun.) *3-day participation is basically required
<<Schedule concerning the Harunire Concert >>
・24th July (Fri.): Opening 16:20-17:00
・25th July (Sat.): Harunire Concert 14:30-16:30
*The schedule isn’t fixed. We will give fixed schedule in the document for participating choirs.
Choir Fee …10,000 JPY per choir
Individual Fee (including 3-days pass) …6,000 JPY per singer
How to take part in the contest?
Submit the online application form.
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