AI and Neural Networks - Study with Professors from University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

AI and Neural Networks - Study with Professors from University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

Canadian College

1、Program Background

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science, which is regarded as one of the three cutting-edge technologies (genetic engineering, nanoscience, artificial intelligence) of the 21st century. This is because of its rapid development in the past 30 years. It has been widely used in many fields and achieved great results. Artificial intelligence has gradually become an independent branch and has become a system in theory and practice. At present, artificial intelligence has been more and more widely used in the field of computers, and has been applied in robotics, economic and political decision-making, control systems and simulation systems. Neural networking is a part of the field of artificial intelligence. An information processing system is used that imitates the structure and function of the human brain, data learning, structure and algorithm to realize the research of the brain and improve people's level of information processing.

2、Program Description

The course will teach the basic methods of artificial intelligence, mostly focus on the implementation of neural network algorithms. We will use biological examples, mathematical or computational models, a large number of programming and AI techniques to attain information from a variety of sources and use it to achieve intelligent, goal-directed behavior.

3、Eligible Students

Senior high school students and College Students majoring in computer sciences, artificial intelligence, or students interested in computer sciences, AI, but are required to have a good professional foundation, particularly understanding of programming and data structure algorithm, and also advanced mathematics, such as probability theory, linear algebra, calculus, geometry, optimization theory etc.

4、Professor Introduction - Professor Alex Rogers

Canadian College

Professor of Computer Science Tutorial Fellow, St Anne's College, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxoford


I develop and apply principled artificial intelligence, machine learning and agent-based approaches within physical sensor systems to address real-world problems focusing on sustainability. My recent work has addressed future energy systems, such as the smart grid, citizen science platforms, and environmental monitoring, and typically involves the real-world deployment of novel approaches in devices, smartphones or the cloud.

I am the co-founder of a home heating advice spin-out, called Joulo, that combines a unique low-cost temperature logger with cloud-based analytics. I maintain the GridCarbon app for monitoring the carbon intensity of the UK electricity grid. I am searching for the New Forest cicada using smartphones and I am developing a low-cost, open-source, acoustic logger, called AudioMoth, for environmental and biodiversity monitoring.


I originally studied Physics at Durham University before joining Schlumberger as a wireline logging engineer. After five years working in various oilfields around the world I took suspended employment to study for a PhD applying statistical physics to models of evolving populations. Upon completing my PhD I worked for a spin-out from the Santa Fe Institute applying complexity science to business problem before returning to academia, initially at the University of Southampton, and now at the University of Oxford.

5、The World’s top University – Cambridge University

The University of Cambridge is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by King Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking word and the world's fourth-oldest surviving university. The university grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute with the townspeople. The two "ancient universities" share many common features and are often referred to jointly as "Oxbridge".

Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 semi-autonomous constituent Colleges and over 100 academic departments organised into six schools. As of 2019, Cambridge is the top-ranked university in the United Kingdom according to all major league tables. It is a member of numerous associations and forms part of the "golden triangle" of English universities. The university has educated many notable alumni, including eminent mathematicians, scientists, politicians, lawyers, philosophers, writers, actors, monarchs and other heads of state. As of October 2019, 120 Nobel Laureates, 11 fields Medalists, 7 Turing Award winners and 14 British Prime Ministers have been affiliated with Cambridge as students, alumni and faculty or research staff. University alumni have won 194 Olympic medals.


  • · Artificial Intelligence Overview
  • · Programming Language in Logic (Prolog)
  • · Thesis guidance
  • · Problem Solving Based On Graph Search
  • · Random Optimization Search Based On Genetic Algorithm
  • · AI Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • · Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
  • · Lectures review and Question & Answer

7、Schedule and Outcome

  • · Online group research learning + thesis guidance
  • · Recommendation letter from the tutor
  • · Certificate of completion
  • · Academic evaluation report

8. Class Dates

For more information, please contact us.

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