Education and International Relations - Study with Professors from University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

Education and International Relations - Study with Professors from University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

Canadian College

1、Program Background

Education and school education have been closely related to the process of internationalization and economic globalization for a long time. In recent years, governments have increasingly participated in global educational exchange and policy-making forums. For examples: Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD), group of seven(G7), The World Bank, The European Union (EU), The World Trade Organization (WTO), association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), etc. Increasingly, the education system has become the primary issue of media headlines in many countries. The success of education is also an indicator of the strength of economic competitiveness to a certain extent. Since the 1980s, it has been a major concern of many countries to provide better education and training. Especially after 2000, PISA (a large-scale international education achievement comparison and monitoring project organized by OECD) began to provide a way to compare the quality of education in different countries. Governments want more effective education, but at the same time they don’t want to pay a high price, so they try to take relevant measures to adjust their education policies and improve the efficiency of their education systems. During the course, the professor will lead us to explore the macro and micro issues of education and public policy under the trend of globalization, that is, the dynamic changes of education policy and social relations within and between societies.

2、Program Description

The main aim of the course includes:

  • • To cultivate the ability and thinking mode of information screening within the context of globalization
  • • To master the ability of critical thinking and analysis
  • • To improve the understanding of education theory and public policy knowledge
  • • Focus on training students’ expression of complex problems

3、Eligible Students

  • • Field: Education/Public policy/International relations/Global governance
  • • Objectives: students who intend to improve their own knowledge and academic ability; students who have the intention to study abroad, participate in the independent enrollment selection, further education or plan to be admitted to famous universities
  • • Competitive advantage: enhance personal competitiveness by obtaining recommendation letters from professors and publishing papers in academic journals
  • • Thesis Competency: Improve the quality of application documents and English thesis writing skills through the guidance of professors and teaching assistants
  • • Adapt to the environment: Students who are interested in applying to overseas universities or have received an offer from overseas universities and want to cross the gap between Chinese and foreign education systems beforehand.

4、Professor Introduction - Professor Johnson

Canadian College

International education at Oxford University, St. Anthony's College

Professor Johnson is a professor of international education. He chairs the conference of the Center for Comparative and International Education. He is project research Director of the ESRC-DFID Research Programme on Improving Learning Outcomes in Education Systems and academic Director of the Aga Khan Foundation funded Research Programme on Education and Uncertainty. He is a chartered educational psychologist who studies learning and cognition and is particularly interested in tracking learning progress over time in the national education system. Recent work has included time series studies of studies in Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Sudan.

5、The World’s top University – 5. University of Oxford

University of Oxford (Oxford for short), located in Oxford, England, is the world's leading public research University, using college federalism.

The exact date of the university's founding is unknown, but the earliest documented date for teaching is 1096, and it grew rapidly in 1167, thanks to the support of the English royal family. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest surviving institution of higher education in the world. The university has produced a number of epoch-leading scientific masters and trained a large number of epoch-making art masters and heads of state, including 28 British prime ministers and dozens of heads of state and political and business leaders around the world. The University of Oxford has a lofty academic status and extensive influence in mathematics, physics, medicine, law, business and other fields, and is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher education. Since 1902, Oxford University has also established rhodes Scholarships for undergraduates from all over the world. As of March 2019, there are 72 Nobel Prize winners (ninth in the world), 3 Fields Medal winners (20th in the world) and 6 Turing Prize winners (ninth in the world) among Oxford's alumni, professors and researchers.

The University of Oxford is ranked 1st in the world in 2019-20 by the QS World University Rankings, 4th in the World in 2020USNews World University Rankings, 5th in the world in 2019 Academic Rankings, 7th in the World in 2019 Times Higher Education World University Reputation Rankings. In particular, THE University of Oxford has been ranked number one in THE world for THE fourth consecutive year in 2017-20 in THE World University Rankings.


  • • A Discussion of the Idea of a ‘Global Society’
  • • Education and Policy Processes to Consider the Development of Broad Analytical Models
  • • Essay lecture for Education & Public Politics
  • • Contemporary Culture and Identity
  • • Educational Provision in the world, Such as UK education system.
  • • Influential Global Policy Actors in Education by Focusing on the World Bank and International Political Economy
  • • Other relevant topic
  • • Lectures review and Question & Answer

7、Schedule and Outcome

  • ·Online group research learning + thesis guidance
  • ·Recommendation letter from the professor
  • · EI/CPCI/Scopus index international conference summary & Publication(can be used for application)
  • ·Certificate of completion
  • ·Academic evaluation report

8. Class Dates

For more information, please contact us.

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