Physics - Light and quantum science - Study with Professors at University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

Physics - Light and quantum science - Study with Professors at University of Cambridge & University of Oxford

study with professor from cambridge and oxford

1、Program Background

The 20th century saw two revolutionary developments in physics, relativity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics has become the backbone of modern science and technology. This report attempts to reconstruct the historical picture of the emergence of quantum concepts, illustrating that the concept began with human understanding of light, including the interpretation of blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect and the spectrum of hydrogen atoms. It also tries to clarify the many misconceptions and misuses of the concept of "quantum" in the current society, and introduces the frontier fields that are still developing, such as quantum entanglement, quantum computing and quantum communication.

2、Program Description

The contents of the project include optical knowledge such as interference and diffraction of light and polarization of light, as well as quantum mechanics knowledge such as quantum measurement, quantum interference and complementarity, quantum cryptography and quantum paradox. Through the project, students will learn about the special significance of light to human beings. The exploration of light not only deepens people's understanding of the nature of the world, but also leads to new technologies. So how has our understanding of light evolved? What are the secrets of nature contained in phenomena such as double slit interference of light, and how does it relate to quantum mechanics? Students will submit project reports and present results at the end of the course.

3. Targeting Students

  • Outstanding high school students and university students
  • Students who majored in physics, mathematics or other sciences or want to study related majors in the future; A student who is passionate about physics.
  • Students need to be familiar with physics, calculus, numerical methods, etc

4、Professor Introduction - Alexander Lvovosky

study with professor from cambridge and oxford

Experimental physicist
He has received many awards - most notably the International Prize for Quantum Communication, a recommendation letter from the Prime Minister of Canada and the Amy Noether Research Prize from the German Science Foundation. His research has been reported by CBC, NBC, Wired, New Scientist, MIT Technology Review, TASS, Daily Mail and others.

Part of the Publications:

  • Enlargement of optical Schrodinger's cat states.
  • Experimental quantum homodyne tomography via machine learning.
  • Quantum computers put blockchain security at risk.
  • Backpropagation through nonlinear units for the all-optical training of neural networks.
  • Super-resolution linear optical imaging in the far field.
  • Entangled resource for interfacing single- and dual-rail optical qubits.
  • Reinforcement learning enhanced quantum-inspired algorithm for combinatorial optimization.

5、The World’s top University – 5. University of Oxford

University of Oxford (Oxford for short), located in Oxford, England, is the world's leading public research University, using college federalism.

The exact date of the university's founding is unknown, but the earliest documented date for teaching is 1096, and it grew rapidly in 1167, thanks to the support of the English royal family. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest surviving institution of higher education in the world. The university has produced a number of epoch-leading scientific masters and trained a large number of epoch-making art masters and heads of state, including 28 British prime ministers and dozens of heads of state and political and business leaders around the world. The University of Oxford has a lofty academic status and extensive influence in mathematics, physics, medicine, law, business and other fields, and is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher education. Since 1902, Oxford University has also established rhodes Scholarships for undergraduates from all over the world. As of March 2019, there are 72 Nobel Prize winners (ninth in the world), 3 Fields Medal winners (20th in the world) and 6 Turing Prize winners (ninth in the world) among Oxford's alumni, professors and researchers.

The University of Oxford is ranked 1st in the world in 2019-20 by the QS World University Rankings, 4th in the World in 2020USNews World University Rankings, 5th in the world in 2019 Academic Rankings, 7th in the World in 2019 Times Higher Education World University Reputation Rankings. In particular, THE University of Oxford has been ranked number one in THE world for THE fourth consecutive year in 2017-20 in THE World University Rankings.


  • 1. Interference and diffraction of light. Interference with single photons. Basics of quantum mechanics.
  • 2. Polarization of light. Control of polarization. Polarization states of the photon.
  • 3. Quantum measurements. Quantum interference and complementarity. Quantum cryptography. Essay Instructions.
  • 4. The tensor product space. entanglement. Remote state preparation.
  • 5. Quantum paradoxes. Von Neumann measurements. Decoherence. Many-worlds interpretation.
  • 6. Quantum nonlocality. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Bell inequality.
  • 7.Quantum computation. Models, platforms, applications.
  • 8. Quantum teleportation and quantum repeater, and students’ presentation.

7、Schedule and Outcome

  • ·Online group research learning + thesis guidance
  • ·Recommendation letter from the professor
  • · EI/CPCI/Scopus index international conference summary & Publication(can be used for application)
  • ·Certificate of completion
  • ·Academic evaluation report

8. Class Dates

For more information, please contact us.

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