West Art, Literature & Philosophy Theory

West Art, Literature & Philosophy Theory

study with professor from cambridge and oxford

1、Program Background

Image has been widely used in Chinese and Western literature works. It is the embodiment of an author's ideological connotations and plays a positive role in promoting the development of a story’s plot and readers' in-depth understanding. This way of expression can organically combine "emotion" and "scene", presenting the author's subjective feeling and attitude with an intuitive picture. Narrative images can be roughly divided into background images and thematic images. In contemporary literary studies, as a form of artistic expression, researchers pay more attention to the aesthetic value of image. For example, in academic circles, there is a suggestion that image is based on the objective existence, using symbolic and absurd inner mirror to express the author's philosophical ideas.

2、Program Description

This program introduces a high-level historical narrative of Western art & literature & Philosophy. Drawing on specific case studies of the history of Western art and literature, the lectures identify key points in the philosophical development of literary theory and aesthetics (philosophical terms for thinking about theories of art and beauty).

3. Targeting Students

  • • Program suitable for high school and college students
  • • Subject area: Literature/art/philosophy


  • • Suitable for students who:
    • wish to improve their knowledge and academic ability
    •   o intend to study abroad
    •   o independently apply for educational courses
    •   o pursue further studies in different majors
    •   o plan to enter prestigious universities


  • • Course features//benefits:
    •   o improve competitiveness by obtaining personal recommendation letters from professors and by publishing papers in academic journals
    •    improve your academic paper writing ability by writing personal research reports under the guidance of professors and teaching assistants, while improving the quality of application documents and general English paper writing ability

4、Professor Introduction - Professor Liam Gearon

study with professor from cambridge and oxford

Oxford University Professor (BA, Hons, MA, MPhil, Cert He, PhD, FHEA, FRSA), Professor of Education, University of Oxford, Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford; Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia; Visiting Professor, Centre for Irish Catholic Studies. Founder and director of the Philosophy, Religion, Education Research Group

Liam is an expert in interdisciplinary research in the field of religious education and has led religious education teaching at Oxford University for ten years. Liam holds a Canadian Governor-General's Award nominated doctorate in English Literature and for over 20 years has conducted archival, empirical and theoretical scholarship and research in education and civil rights, literature, philosophy, politics/theology, postcolonial theory, religious studies, and security and intelligence studies. His theories on the politicization and securitization of religion in education have been the subject of intense international debate for many years (Jackson, 2019; Levine, 2017; Pirner, Lahnemann, Haussmann and Schwarz, 2019).

5、The World’s top University – 5. University of Oxford

University of Oxford (Oxford for short), located in Oxford, England, is the world's leading public research University, using college federalism.

The exact date of the university's founding is unknown, but the earliest documented date for teaching is 1096, and it grew rapidly in 1167, thanks to the support of the English royal family. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest surviving institution of higher education in the world. The university has produced a number of epoch-leading scientific masters and trained a large number of epoch-making art masters and heads of state, including 28 British prime ministers and dozens of heads of state and political and business leaders around the world. The University of Oxford has a lofty academic status and extensive influence in mathematics, physics, medicine, law, business and other fields, and is recognized as one of the world's top institutions of higher education. Since 1902, Oxford University has also established rhodes Scholarships for undergraduates from all over the world. As of March 2019, there are 72 Nobel Prize winners (ninth in the world), 3 Fields Medal winners (20th in the world) and 6 Turing Prize winners (ninth in the world) among Oxford's alumni, professors and researchers.

The University of Oxford is ranked 1st in the world in 2019-20 by the QS World University Rankings, 4th in the World in 2020USNews World University Rankings, 5th in the world in 2019 Academic Rankings, 7th in the World in 2019 Times Higher Education World University Reputation Rankings. In particular, THE University of Oxford has been ranked number one in THE world for THE fourth consecutive year in 2017-20 in THE World University Rankings.


  • Lecture 1: UNESCO: the global importance of culture Core themes:
    • ❖ Culture in modern history–UNESCO and the United Nations
    • ❖ UNESCO World Heritage sites
    • ❖ The contested historical and political nature of culture


  • Lecture 2: Culture and the Colonial: Portraits of Postcolonialism Core themes:
    • ❖ What is postcolonial theory?
    • ❖ How is postcolonial theory related to literature?
    • ❖ How are debates around postcolonial theory connected to the Black Lives Matter movement?


  • Lecture 3: Art History from Prehistoric Times to the Present Core themes:
    • ❖ The ‘story of Western visual arts
    • ❖ Case studies from the caves - Lascaux
    • ❖ Art galleries and museums


  • Lecture 4: Religion in Art: Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Core themes:
    • ❖ Painting and poetry: the case of Giotto and Dante
    • ❖ The birth of genius: Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo
    • ❖ Iconoclasm: how the Reformation changed art forever


  • Lecture 5: Modern and Contemporary Art Core themes
    • ❖ How theories of art emerged from the European Enlightenment
    • ❖ Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock: Europe and America
    • ❖ Jean-Michel Basquiat: art from the black American margins


  • Lecture 6: Literary Theory Core themes:
    • ❖The classical origins and sources of literary theory
    • ❖Key thinkers and their texts: Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Longinus


  • Lecture 7: The Story of English and American Literature
    • ❖Chaucer and Shakespeare in their times
    • ❖ The birth of romanticism
    • ❖ The romantic poets - Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Wordsworth
    • ❖ The rise of women writers - Jane Austen and Mary Shelley
    • ❖ American literature: from Ernest Hemingway to Margaret Mitchell


  • Lecture 8: Literature Goes Global: The Nobel Prize in Literature Core themes
    • ❖ Who was Alfred Lord Nobel?
    • ❖ What is the Nobel Prize in Literature?
    • ❖ Who won the Prize and why?

7、Schedule and Outcome

  • ·Online group research learning + thesis guidance
  • ·Recommendation letter from the professor
  • · EI/CPCI/Scopus index international conference summary & Publication(can be used for application)
  • ·Certificate of completion
  • ·Academic evaluation report

8. Class Dates

For more information, please contact us.

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